Building Profilactic

Profilactic is a social media aggregator/lifestreaming service that pulls together just about everything you and your friends create online. This blog chronicles the processing of building it.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Profilactic updates support for MyBlogLog to include New with Me
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have updated our support for MyBlogLog to include their new lifestreaming service New with Me.
Mashable calls Profilactic one of the best lifestreaming services
The Profilactic lair was awakened this morning to sound of the blogosphere buzzing about MyBlogLog's new New with Me feature. Basically, MBL has released a service that aggregates your content from 50 or so social media sites. Anyone reading this blog is very familiar with the idea.

Anyway, one of those blog posts got our attention. The incredibly insightful Stan Schroeder from Mashable (Mashable covered Profilactic based in January of 2007) wrote a review of MyBlogLog's new feature and called Profilactic (and the best lifestreaming services.

"Profilactic and little known come to mind as the best ones"

That's what I'm talkin' about! Finally someone recognizes that FriendFeed, iminta and the 10 or so other social media aggregators/lifestreaming services didn't just invent the category... and aren't the best either (Stan said that, don't get mad at me, Harry Tang).

Of course, in the same review, Stan basically says that none of the current crop of lifestreaming services are doing as much as they should in terms of giving users control over their content. I think some of the updates we're planning for our version 3.1 release may be a step in the direction that Stan is advocating.

So let's take a moment to celebrate Stan Schroeder -- the world's wisest tech blogger ! Hip Hip ---

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Profilactic adds Second Brain, Jaanix, goodreads & Flixster
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for 4 more sites: Second Brain (#132), Jaanix (#133), goodreads (#134) and Flixster (#135).

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 135. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Thanks to Anish Patel for suggesting most of these services. We appreciate it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Profilactic speaks!
I did an interview about Profilactic with Michelle Jones from last night. If you've ever wondered what the hell we were thinking with Profilactic, you now have your answers.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sneak peek of Profilactic v3
We are rolling out a new version of Profilactic this week. Version 3 is a mix of new features and improvements to existing features. These include:

Edit your friends' mashup feeds
You will now be able to pick which of your friends' feeds you want to follow and which of your friends' feeds you want to ignore. For example, let's say you like my blog posts and my Twitter updates, but you hate my Flickr photos. In v3, you will be able to turn off my Flickr feed so it doesn't show up in your Friends' Mashup.

This is one of two new features for this release and it is something that makes the Friends' Mashup much more useful.

Edit your friends' mashup on Profilactic
You can pick and choose which feeds to track for each of your friends

The link to manage your friends' mashup is in the header under My Tools

Add content from friends who aren't on Profilactic
Along with the ability to pick and choose which of your friends' feeds you follow, the other new feature is the ability to import friend content from other networks.

For example, if you set up your Flickr account in Profilactic, we will automatically import the Photos from my Contacts feed from Flickr into your Friends' Mashup.

This means that you will have content in your Friends' Mashup as soon as you sign up for Profilactic (if you use one of the supported networks). That provides a much better experience than presenting you with an empty page until you add friends on Profilactic. Plus, it means you can track content of your friends who haven't joined Profilactic (yet).

Right now, there are about a dozen sites, including digg,, Flickr and Twitter, that offer feeds of your friends' content. We'll be adding more as they become available.

You can import friends' content from other social networks even if they're not Profilactic members

Basic stats
We are also starting to add some stats about your (and your friends') social media contributions. The first stat we're adding is the number of items posted per week. We think that, for an aggregation service, that this is a useful statistic, especially when it comes to adding someone as your friend. It helps set expectations as to the frequency and or volume of content that this person will be producing.

We plan to add more stats soon, so consider this the first step. If there are other stats you want to see, let us know.

New friend groupings
We are taking a page from the Mahalo playbook and breaking up your Profilactic friends into 3 buckets: mutual friends, fans and people you are a fan of. This is a small change; however, I think it is helpful.

For example, when someone adds me on Twitter, the first thing I check (if I don't know them personally) is their ratio of Following to Followers. If someone follows a ton of people; but isn't followed by many, I usually avoid them.

Adding source name to Daily Digest e-mail

We are adding the source of each item in the Daily Digest e-mail. Right now, you see the last five items that each of your friends posted; however, you don't know which site or service they posted it on. Because we link directly to the item (and don't route you through, it can be tough to know where you're going to end up when you click a link. So, we're going to add the name of each service to each item in the Digest.

This is another small tweak, but something that makes the Daily Digest e-mail easier to use.

So that's the bulk of our Version 3 release. You may also notice a few small UI or layout changes here and there.

As always, let us know what you think of the new features. If you have any questions, complaints or suggestions, send them to feedback at profilactic dot com or post them as a comment to this post.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Profilactic adds support for Crusher (#131)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for social events site Crusher.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 131. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.
Profilactic adds support for hi5 (#130)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for hi5.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 130. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.
Profilactic adds support for TripAdvisor (#129)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for TripAdvisor.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 129. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Almost two years in
When I tell people about the history of Profilactic and the idea behind, I always have a hard time remembering exactly when it all got started.

I had the idea for a little while before settling on the name and registering the domain; however, I never remember when that was off the top of my head.

Today, I got a reminder e-mail from Go Daddy saying that was set to expire on March 17, 2008. Because I'm really quick with math, I was able to figure out that I had registered the domain on March 17, 2006.

It's hard to believe we've been at this for 2 years. We were doing "social media aggregation" before anyone had adopted that term. Heck, we were doing it before many people had heard of "digital lifestyle aggregator" (that was the buzzword that preceded "social media aggregation").

Will be interesting to see what the next couple of years hold considering the influx of aggregators over the past year.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Profilactic makes it on TechCrunch (sort of)
Profilactic has been kicking ass in the social media aggregator space since the Fall of 2006; however, we've never been featured on TechCrunch. We've been mentioned once and TC commenters have given us some shout-outs, but we've never been reviewed on the site.

My theory is that TC wants to be seen as the forward-looking early adopter. If they cover a startup that has been around for almost 18 months, it will hurt their street cred as being ahead of the curve. Again, this is just my theory as to why they have covered just about every other social media aggregator that has launched since we have, but not us. Heck, they even covered!

Anyway, yesterday, I saw their story about a Google Map for startups, so I submitted Profilactic for inclusion on the map. I figured that being in Louisville, KY would give us some prime, uncrowded real estate right in the middle of the map. Looks like it worked.

View Larger Map

One unintended side effect of getting into the middle of the Google Map is that the Profilactic logo shows up on the embedded map on TechCrunch. Maybe they'll notice us now :)

Profilactic gets covered by TechCrunch

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Profilactic adds support for Groovr (#128)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Groovr.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 128. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.
Profilactic adds support for Orangutag (#127)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for TV social network Orangutag.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 127. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.
Profilactic adds support for Streem (#126)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Tumblr competitor Streem.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 126. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Profilactic adds support for Chickipedia (#125)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Chickipedia.

The site is "the world’s largest web-based, women-based, wiki-based database of hot chicks on the planet." Pretty straightforward, I guess.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 125. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Profilactic adds support for Twitxr (#124)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Twitxr.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 124. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Profilactic adds support for Library Thing (#123)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Library Thing.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 123. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thanks Mixx users!
Just wanted to take a second to thank the users over at, one of the 122 sites supported by Profilactic, for giving us such great feedback today.

Mixx likes Profilactic

For some reason, a link to Profilactic, that was submitted a month ago, got hot today and made it to the front page of the Tech section. In addition to getting a bunch of positive votes, we also got some really positive comments. SilentJay74 said:

"I use it. I met the guys behind it not to long ago. Cool guys and real laid back. I like the app/site. It is pretty sweet. The fact that they support Mixx is what drew me in. Then I saw all the other sites they support."

Thanks to all of the Mixx users who gave Profilactic a positive vote or a kind word today. It is definitely appreciated.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Profilactic adds support for (#122)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for deja vu-inducing social media aggregator

iminta joins social media aggregators FriendFeed,, ProfileLinker, Readr and Mugshot that are already supported in Profilactic.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 122. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Profilactic aggregates the aggregators (#120, 121)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for a couple of "competitors:" Readr and Mugshot.

Readr and Mugshot join other aggregators that we already support including FriendFeed, and ProfileLinker.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 121. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.
Profilactic adds support for Yahoo! Live (#119)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for the "experimental" release of Yahoo! Live.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 119. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Profilactic adds support for Howcast (#118)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for the new instructional video site built by former Google employees, Howcast.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 118. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Profilactic adds support for Thingfo (#117)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Thingfo, "the instant community for any THING."

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 117. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Profilactic adds support for ThisNext (#116)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for social shopping site ThisNext.

This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 116. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

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feedback at profilactic dot com