Profilactic adds support for Netvibes (#182)
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Netvibes. Honestly, I already thought we supported Netvibes, but it turns out we didn't. When you support 182 sites, you can lose track, I guess.
Thanks to Felix Fischer for reminding us about Netvibes support and then mentioning that FriendFeed supports it just to make sure we got the message :)
This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 182. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.
Thanks to Felix Fischer for reminding us about Netvibes support and then mentioning that FriendFeed supports it just to make sure we got the message :)
This brings the total number of sites that Profilactic supports to 182. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.