Building Profilactic

Profilactic is a social media aggregator/lifestreaming service that pulls together just about everything you and your friends create online. This blog chronicles the processing of building it.

Friday, October 26, 2007

We have SEO spammers!
Today is a pretty big day for us here at Profilactic. We've finally grown to the point that people will sign up for our service in order to post links back to their websites. We're touched that people would choose Profilactic as part of their (futile) efforts to improve their search engine optimization efforts.

If you, or someone you know, is looking to do some SEO spamming, check out Profilactic member merliasajith.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Profilactic adds support for Tioti
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic has added support for Tioti is a social media aggregator for television. It allows you to list your favorites shows, find other fans of those shows and even download clips and episodes.

This brings the total number of sites we support to 79. Of course, we still support unlimited custom sites.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Profilactic adds support for Dotspotter
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have added support for the gossip social network Dotspotter to Profilactic. Dotspotter was (maybe) just acquired by CBS for around $10 million.

This brings the total number of sites we support to 78. Of course, we still support unlimited custom sites.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Profilactic adds support for Political Base
Just wanted to let everyone know that Profilactic now supports Political Base. Political Base is a new site from former CNET CEO Shelby Bonnie and 4 other former CNET employees. It allows you to research candidates and issues as well as post your own thoughts through blogs, comments, photos, videos and wiki submissions.

Unfortunately, there isn't much RSS support in the user profile areas of Political Base yet, so there isn't anything we can pull into your Mashup. However, we will place links to all of content in your Where to Find Me Online list and badge.

This brings the number of sites we support to 77. Of course, we still support unlimited custom sites.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Glad we didn't build that Facebook app
In an earlier post, I mentioned that we had struggled with the decision of whether to build a Facebook app. On one hand, I think the site is a fad that is using it's open platform as bait for a bigger valuation. On the other hand, it seemed like everyone was building there. We didn't want to miss an opportunity to serve our audience better.

Ultimately, based on member feedback (and our gut feeling), we bailed on the app.

Tim O'Reilly just posted some data that shows that we definitely made the right decision.

"The good news has already been widely disseminated: there are nearly 5000 Facebook applications, and the top applications have tens of millions of installs and millions of active users. The bad news, alas, is in our report: 87% of the usage goes to only 84 applications! Only 45 applications have more than 100,000 active users.

There are only 3 of us working on Profilactic (and we work on it on a barely part-time basis). We have to spend our time building things that help the most members of Profilactic, so no Facebook app from us.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Profilactic adds support for Jellyfish
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have added support for shopping site Jellyfish to Profilactic. Jellyfish was just acquired by Microsoft this week.

This brings the number of sites we support by default to 76. We still support unlimited custom sites.
Profilactic adds support for SugarLoving
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have added support for social news site SugarLoving to Profilactic. Add your SL account and we'll pull the stories you've submitted, stories you've voted for and stories you've commented on into your mashup.

This brings the total number of sites we support to 75. We still support unlimited custom sites.
Happy Birthday, Tom.
It's a big day here at the Profilactic lair. It is Tom "The Principal" Osborne's birthday. I won't say how old he is; however, I would be pretty bummed out if I were that age already... Anyway, please take a moment to post a comment and wish him a happy birthday. It all speeds up at the end, Tom, so enjoy the day.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Profilactic adds support for Mixx
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have added support for to Profilactic. Mixx is social news site kind of like Digg. Once you add your Mixx account to Profilactic, we will link to all of the stories you submit, vote up, vote down or comment on. Unfortunately, Mixx doesn't support RSS, so none of your content will show up in your mashup.

This brings the number of sites we support by default to 73. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.
Profilactic adds support for FriendFeed
Apparently some former Google heavyweights have come up with a site where you aggregate all of the social content that you and your friends create. It's called Profilac- oh wait, no it's not. It's called FriendFeed.

Just wanted to let everyone know that you can now add your FriendFeed account to Profilactic and have all of your FF updates feed into your mashup.

This brings the number of sites we support by default to 72. Of course, you can still add unlimited custom sites.

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feedback at profilactic dot com