Building Profilactic

Profilactic is a social media aggregator/lifestreaming service that pulls together just about everything you and your friends create online. This blog chronicles the processing of building it.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Start-up trolls are everywhere...
and I'm one of them!

Think there is a lot of competition in terms of getting free publicity for your new web service? If not, just start one (or just say you're starting one) and you'll quickly find out the names of every other person who has a competing service. How? Just read the "comments" section of any blog that mentions *your* service.

It all started back after we were Dugg in October. We didn't even have our site open to beta users; however, we started hearing how much we were like FindMeOn... from the guy who started FindMeOn. Ever since, whenever Profilactic is mentioned, you can expect him to chime in about FindMeOn.

Since then, I've seen all kinds of other start-ups claiming to either be just like us or completely different from us (depending on how they want to position themselves).

I'm not trying to be a "playa hater." Far from it, I think it is great that everyone is trying so hard to get their service in front of their intended audience. I just find the phenomenon interesting.

Plus, I can't complain too loudly since I found myself doing it tonight on blog posts about Upscoop and Ziki.
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